Death to homophones.

August 5, 2010

If I get one more invitation offering a “sneak peak” at something, I might just cry.  It pains me to see such a blatant spelling error that clearly made it past several pairs of eyes – from copy drafter to client to printer! – without being caught.

Come back to junior high school with me for a moment.  Remember learning about homophones?…words that sound exactly alike, but are not necessarily spelled alike, and have distinctly different meanings?

They are the mortal enemy of spell check.

Peek/peak…their/there/they’re…bear/bare…pair/pare…faze/phase… and one of my faves that people always mix up… principle/principal.  There are hundreds of these pesky homophones in the English language, and the only way to  prevent them from hijacking your otherwise-perfectly-spell-checked writing is to know the difference and proof your work.

Here’s an extensive list you can use as a cheat sheet.

Now go fourth and get your words write.

Less words…more meaning.

July 31, 2010

I recently drove past a billboard on I-95 in New England which advertised an area bank.  This is all it said:

183 Years.  0 Bailouts.

How utterly brilliant.  With those “four” words, the reader’s takeaway is…this bank is sound, fiscally responsible, trustworthy, stable, and (most importantly) my money will be safe there.  Moreover, without saying a single actual disparaging word against its competitors, it clearly states:  they suck, and we’re better than them.

Audiences have short attention spans, so when seeking to persuade them, you can use fewer words by employing meaningful ones that enrich your statements beyond their actual face value.

This strategy works with all communication types, but of course, it’s particularly vital with billboards.  Look at that entire paragraph of imagery that got planted in my mind with just a 2-second glance, stolen while whizzing by on a (blissfully) traffic-free interstate.  Granted, I was doing the speed limit (40 years.  0 Speeding Tickets.) but it would have worked even if I had been driving past at 100 miles an hour.

Of course, then the need for the bailout would have been mine.

Save yourself from looking silly in just 5 minutes.

July 27, 2010

Yesterday, I received a cover letter from a job applicant which quietly featured this sentence as the opening to its third paragraph:

Another couple sentences on what makes you stand out and valid for the position based on facts and experience.

Indeed.  Those sentences would have been quite useful at just that juncture in the letter.  But the transparent – and clearly inadvertant – stage direction sadly negated  their benefit.

With less than 5 minutes of proofreading, this woman might have scored an interview with me…one skim of this letter would have caught that preposterous mistake.  And had she done so, I’m sure her heart would have skipped a beat and she would have said to herself, “Good god.  Can you imagine if I had sent THAT??”

Alas, she did not proof the letter.  And now her poor judgment is forever immortalized here, after we had a good chuckle over it in the office.  Well…we sort of chuckled, as we sheepishly remembered preventable mistakes we’ve each made in the past.

No one is perfect, and mistakes will be made.  But when communicating in writing, you have the power to prevent them by resisting that almost-primal impulse to hit “send” the moment you finish putting your thoughts to paper. 

Ideally, you can focus your attention elsewhere after finishing a draft of something — even if it’s only a 4 or 5 line email! — and then come back to it with fresh eyes.  You will be amazed at the silly mistakes you can catch that way.

My motto:  better to have your heart skip a beat at the thought of ALMOST looking ridiculous, than to feel the kick in the gut that comes from actually LOOKING ridiculous.