Here’s why marketing geeks rule.

October 18, 2024

Effective, memorable, stand-out marketing always starts with a brilliant idea…and this is why marketing geeks rule in the idea department. Are you one? Your reaction to the three examples shared here will help you know.

First, let’s define “marketing geek,” which – in my world (tourism marketing) – is an affectionate compliment.

A marketing geek takes pleasure in the delivery of ANY successful marketing idea. It doesn’t have to be their own. It doesn’t have to be big. It doesn’t have to be revolutionary. It just has to strike you in such a way that you instantly appreciate all the invisible efforts that brought such a thing to life. It’s like a master chef tasting someone else’s delicious dish and immediately appreciating the culinary choices and skill that went into creating it.

And just like that master chef will be curious and ask questions of the dish’s creator, so too does a marketing geek question things.

We see things “out in the wild” and we’re SO curious about why choices (good and bad) were made. Why that font? Why that timing? Why that name? How did they pull that off? Why the bloody hell did they approve that ridiculous idea that tanked their brand? How long did that take? How much did that cost? And especially…did the marketing folks mean to do that or was it a happy accident?

More than that… we learn from everything we see. Every example we encounter gets stored away – in the creativity pantry of our brains, if you will – and we draw from that pantry every time we need seasoning for a new creative idea.

Take this photo:

A photo taken from an aerial viewpoint, looking down on an ice rink where a group of Seattle Kraken hockey players wearing black uniforms with sea green accents are surrounding a woman with blonde hair wearing a white suit and holding a clipboard. The photo is from the historic game in which Jessica Campbell debuted as the first full-time female assistant coach in the NHL.


On October 8th, 2024, Jessica Campbell made history by debuting as the first female full-time assistant coach in the National Hockey League.

If you looked at this photo from that historic game and applauded whoever it was that suggested she wear an all-white suit…you’re a marketing geek.

In every photo, Coach Campbell “pops” dramatically while surrounded by a sea of black-clad Seattle Kraken players. And dare we mention that all the other coaches are wearing very dark suits as well? Not even a “slightly less dark grey” among them? You’ll never convince me any of these choices were an accident on the night of her first game, when all cameras would be shining a spotlight on this milestone story.

What do marketing geeks take away from seeing such a photo?  A memorable reminder that if you want your photo to tell a marketing story, you need to make sure the right thing “pops.”

Need some tips for that? Learn the secret to a great tourism photo.

Here’s another example.

Like everyone, I’ve been in probably thousands of public bathrooms in my lifetime…restaurants, hotels, stores, airports, rest stops, office buildings, medical centers, libraries, museums, and more.

I don’t remember a thing about the toilet paper in any of them, except that it was – without exception – plain white.

So naturally my attention was grabbed instantly when I saw this toilet paper in the bathroom of a hospital recently:

A black toiled paper dispenser with white rolls of toilet paper that have a gray argyle pattern and the word Scott on them.


It wasn’t just that the brand name “Scott” was blatantly showcased on the toilet paper. There was also a graphic pattern on it. It was actually kinda pretty.

So now, in my endless sea of white toilet paper memories, I can honestly say that moving forward, I will forever remember that the toilet paper in the bathrooms of NYC’s Mount Sinai Hospital at 98th & Madison is NOT just plain white. Kudos to the Scott Paper Company (who probably intended this reaction) and to Mount Sinai (who may not have).

What do marketing geeks take away from seeing something like this? A heightened awareness that things get attention when they are unexpected or highly unusual. And this is especially true when it’s for a mundane, everyday product or experience.

Plus, if my reaction is true to form for marketing geeks, then such an encounter immediately inspires the thought, “what could we do with this?” Because right away, I thought of all our hotel PR and marketing clients and how cool it would be if they had unique, pretty, Instagrammable toilet paper for guests.

(Pssst… worried about costs, hoteliers? So put this toilet paper only in special suites or use it only during certain themed weekends. There is always a way, and in this age of social media, the surprise and delight ROI is worth it.)

The View – Lugano in Switzerland gets the whole “cool toilet paper” thing.

And as a final example, a true marketing geek would take great joy out of an email like this landing in their inbox:

A snapshot of an email header that reads From: Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Communications, Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2024, to: Christina Miranda, and Subject: "I'm Pretty Catchy." - the Flu


As a medical insurance carrier, Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield likely has a lot of dry, seemingly boring, and it’s-for-your-own-good topics in their email content calendar.  But that doesn’t mean they need to communicate them in a dry and boring way. I never thought I’d see myself smiling from an email about getting a flu shot, but smile I did. And I quietly gave their marketing team a mental high-five for it.

What do marketing geeks take away from seeing a subject line like this? Inspiration that ANY topic can have an interesting and attention-grabbing subject line if it’s approached the right way.

And come on, people… we’re in TOURISM. Surely if the medical insurance community can do this, we’ve got way more fun fodder in our arsenals to help us deliver on cool subject lines? See here for some tips.

The bottom line is that if you’re not already a marketing geek in this way, it’s not hard to become one…and your ideas will be better for it. Anyone can do it just by looking around, noticing things, and asking yourself “why” and “how” of everything you see. Eventually it becomes a habit and before you know it, you’ll be asking yourself “what could we do with this?” a dozen times a week. And this is why marketing geeks rule.

PS –  I collect stellar marketing examples from all industries – not just tourism – to showcase here in this blog and in our newsletter, Tickled Red. So if you see any out in the wild that are worthy of applause by fellow marketers, send me a note/picture about it! I’m totally ready to geek out with you over it and may even use it in a future piece. Reach me at

What’s the best way to reengage email subscribers?

April 4, 2022

If a segment of your subscribers isn’t EVER opening your emails, it’s time to get them to reengage or…what?  You’ll kick them off the list?  A strong ultimatum (see below) can indeed be one of the best ways to inspire reengagement among email subscribers.

But lordy, that sounds harsh.  And on the surface, it also seems like it would hurt YOU more than it would hurt them.  They clearly won’t miss you, but your list size decreases.  Shouldn’t your goal always be to make your list as big as possible?

No, actually.  It shouldn’t.  Your goal should be to have a healthy list with as many engaged subscribers as possible.  Subscribers who never open your email – for whatever reason – are hurting your overall email program’s success.

That’s not just my opinion…it’s a fact.  If you’re skeptical of that fact, then before proceeding down to the real purpose of this article, pop over and read this article from HubSpot. They do a brilliant job of explaining why you should prune your email list regularly and the steps to make that happen.

But that’s not why we’re here.  We already KNOW that you should prune your list.  The question is…what’s the best way to reengage email subscribers before you take the drastic step of booting them from your list?

When faced with that challenge, you have one laser-focused goal at hand:  getting folks who always ignore your emails to open just ONE of them.  This will determine their fate.  If they open it (or them, if you’re doing a reengagement series), they stay.  If they don’t, they go.

If your emails are not being opened because they’re going to spam and subscribers just never see them, ultimately those subscribers should be removed from your list.  Any reengagement email you send will also go to their spam, so no matter how provocative or seductive your bait, they won’t bite.  Cut them loose.

But the rest of the never-openers?  THAT’S the high-potential pond where your bait matters.  These folks signed up for your email at some point, but they’ve become apathetic toward you:  not disenchanted enough to unsubscribe, but not interested enough to open anything you send.  They’re in “engagement limbo.”  And if you can jolt them into opening just one email, you instantly increase your list’s health AND inspire them to care about you again.

So here’s the million dollar question:  how can you successfully deliver that jolt?

Grabbing the attention of these apathetic recipients relies exclusively on the email’s subject line.  It’s the only tool you have to influence their behavior in these circumstances.  If the subject line doesn’t grab them enough to open it, the email’s content doesn’t matter.

Reengagement subject lines (and their corresponding body content) generally fall into one of three categories:  gentle nudge, rewarding lure, or strong ultimatum.  Which one/s you should use (or whether you should combine them as a series) depends on your brand’s personality, the transactional nature of your business relationships, and how determined you are to stringently prune your list.

Gentle Nudge

This is some version of “we miss you, where have you been?”  It’s a subtle tactic with no hard bite, but it could work with subscribers who are only mildly apathetic.  You could give this tactic a better chance by personalizing the subject line: “Joan, we miss you…where have you been?”  The content in the email body may or may not contain additional lures/rewards to inspire clicks (a special discount, time-sensitive offer, etc.).  But the overall vibe of this approach is soft and subtle, gently reminding them that they once pursued an email relationship with you and why they should stay in that relationship.  It’s often used as the first volley in series of reengagement tactics.  If they respond to this, there’s no need to pursue them with further measures.

Rewarding Lure

This is some version of “bribing” subscribers to reengage.  That sounds severe (and desperate, if we’re being honest), but engaged email subscribers are precious marketing assets.  It’s perfectly reasonable for you to trade something in exchange for wooing them back to caring.  Plus, if you give them a special offer (discount, value-add, etc.) that inspires a purchase, that’s revenue you wouldn’t have had anyway because they were previously ignoring you.

This lure has to be meaningful enough to matter, or the subject line won’t grab them.  So if you send 20% off specials to your general list all the time, this one-time offer to spark their reengagement must be significantly more appealing than that.  Again, personalization matters here to help cut through their desensitization.  “Victor, here’s 50% off just for you until (deadline).”  Don’t get hung up on the use of 50% in that example. The point is to make the offer exclusive and ultra-special, beyond the types of offers you usually share.  Free stuff, exclusive access to something, special perks and more…all can inspire that holy grail behavior you’re seeking here:  open that email.

Strong Ultimatum

This one’s not for the faint-hearted marketer, but it can be incredibly effective.  Here, you essentially threaten to remove them from the list by giving them one last chance to show you they want to stay.  You want to deliver a shocking jolt?  Human nature compels people to want what they can’t have.  So telling them they’re being removed from the list unless they deliberately request to stay is bound to grab their attention.  This tactic is the most direct and yields the most definitive action.

But be prepared, because this tactic comes with risk.  If not done with situationally-appropriate grace, you risk sparking a negative reaction/perception of your brand…whether or not they choose to stay on your list.  No one loves being threatened, so while you may get the initial result you want (they stay), you may have some branding repair work to do there.  Their affection for you may have taken a hit.

Ironically, a helpful “real life” example of this comes from HubSpot, the same folks referenced above for their brilliant explanation of how/when/why to prune email lists.  The irony is that the tactic worked, but it left a bad taste in my mouth.

I’ve been on HubSpot’s daily email list for ages and hadn’t opened one in a while.  One day, I got an email from them with this subject line:

“We’re signing off.  Here’s why…”

Of course I opened that immediately because I thought they were closing up shop (as I’m sure they intended).  Turns out, when I opened it… they were threatening to break up with ME because I haven’t been opening their emails:


a copy of an email that shows the best way to reengage email subscribers


Now, I’m a marketer and this was a marketing newsletter from a marketing company.  So I get why they did this and don’t begrudge them the tactic.  They got their “open” from me, and that was the primary goal.

But I have to admit…despite that allowance for marketing kumbaya, the email’s execution just rubbed me the wrong way.  Telling me that “my subscription habits are bigger than my capacity for reading everything” is rather obnoxious.  It seems to be accusing me of poor time management skills. Like it’s my fault for not being able to keep up with reading their emails…not their fault for sending emails whose subject lines don’t pique my interest enough to open them.

The rest of the approach in the email body is on point.  There are plenty of lures in there to catch my attention, and a nice big button that says “Re-Subscribe,” which is another emotional tactic designed to move me to action.  It’s as if I’ve already been booted from the list, and now I need to proactively do something to get back on it.  (Hilariously, this wasn’t true because I didn’t click on anything and still kept getting their emails.  Yet another thing that annoyed me – the empty threat.)

The point is…be careful how you approach the strong ultimatum tactic.  This is especially true if you’re in the hospitality business.  Threatening to kick someone off an email list because they haven’t engaged with you in a while can come across as VERY inhospitable, no matter how gracefully you word it.

Overall bottom line:  quality over quantity is always the best pursuit with email subscribers…and indeed with most marketing efforts.  For another highly illustrative example of this, check out the time we had to break up with Google because it was sending TOO MUCH traffic to our website.

Beards and coronavirus: a lesson in fact checking.

March 3, 2020

If you’re a social media marketer, or your business engages in social media marketing, then last week’s beards-and-coronavirus misinformation fiasco should have been a huge wake-up call for you.

Here’s what happened.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re likely aware that a new coronavirus (COVID-19) has emerged, and it’s causing concern in pretty much all corners of the globe.  Regardless of whether a country has experienced any cases on its own turf, everyone is glued to the media reports to stay abreast of the latest status, advice, and warnings.

On the morning of Wednesday February 26 2020, someone (original culprit unknown) posted an infographic that the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) created in 2017 for workers who are required to use facepiece respirators in their jobs.  It was apparently (and very smartly) timed to align with “No Shave November,” to help those intending to grow beards in support of cancer awareness know what types of facial hair would prevent such respirators from working properly.  The respirators aren’t effective if the hermetic seal isn’t intact on the skin, so this safety message was not only smart but necessary.

The problem is… on Feb 26, 2020, this infographic was erroneously shared as NEW information from the CDC as a warning to the general public about COVID-19.  The dramatically incorrect message?  Men with beards won’t be protected from the new coronavirus unless they shave to one of the styles that work with everyday facemasks.

But wait… it gets worse.

The media, never shy about jumping on new (and especially absurd) angles to fuel a 24/7 news story, seized that nugget WITHOUT FACT CHECKING, and transformed it into headlines such as:

  • CDC Warns Men About Facial Hair Dangers as Coronavirus Spreads
  • CDC: Shave Your Beards to Prevent Coronavirus
  • These Beards May Make You More Likely to Catch Coronavirus

Within 24 hours, dozens of seemingly-credible news outlets shared this incorrect story as fact.  Here’s what the first five pages of a mobile search for “coronavirus beards” returned on the morning of Feb 27:

Now, forget for a moment that we’re talking about epidemics, media alarmism, and the shyster-like use of “click bait headlines” as a marketing weapon.

The lesson for social media marketers is this:  never EVER believe what you read – or worse, share it – unless you’ve checked the facts yourself.  In this case, a quick Google search would have told you that dozens of outlets were reporting on it… but that meant diddly squat, because they were ALL wrong.

So, you can’t rely on “quantity of stories” to verify facts, which is tempting.  Here’s what you CAN do:

  1. Check the original-named source. In this case, one hop onto the CDC website or their Twitter feed would have revealed that they made no such announcement.  But ANYTIME you see a media report that claims that “so-and-so says”… go straight to so-and-so’s website and social channels to find out if it’s true.
  2. Check the media sources best known for reputable fact-checking. Two known for highest standards in accuracy and credible sourcing are Associated Press and Reuters.  If they didn’t cover the story, it casts doubt on the veracity.  (Note:  Reuters didn’t cover the beard thing at all, and AP did just one story… on Feb 27 refuting the claim, with context and quotes sourced directly from the CDC.)
  3. Check the credibility of the media outlet you’re using. A helpful website, Media Bias/Fact Check, has a handy search tool that evaluates the bias and accuracy of media websites.  While it’s by no means infallible or the only source available for such assessment, it’s certainly useful as an indicator. A quick search on this site reveals things like how often a media source uses loaded language to sway emotion vs. factual reporting, how deeply/accurately it checks its facts, and how often it skews facts/opinion to favor a political bias (either left or right).

You may be thinking “well, I’m a tourism destination/hotel company/attraction/restaurant, and I’m not likely to be sharing coronavirus stories, so this sort of fact-checking thing doesn’t really apply to me.”

Not so.  Weird stuff, urban legends, outrageous claims and more are reported in the media all the time (broomstick challenge, anyone?)… and in your quest to keep your own social feeds interesting and relevant, you may pluck one out to spin with your own angle, and share it with the best of intentions.

So, the moral of the story is:  check your facts and keep your beards on.

Bonus (related) tip:  the tactic of using shock-and-scare to get attention isn’t just reserved for online.  Learn about the time Alamo tried to casually scare me into upgrading to a “safer” car.

Eat more lamb, Larry Bird.

January 12, 2015

We humans are an unruly lot…we are busy and distracted, and frankly, we just don’t like being told what to do.  This means that informative and useful signage is often overlooked as white noise competing for our attention amidst a barrage of sensory input.

Savvy businesses know a fool-proof cure for this:  unexpected humor that seduces people into reading the otherwise-boring sign.  It’s a brilliant strategy.  Not only do people read it…they get the message AND they are left with an impression of a business, company, or brand with a groovy personality.  Behold:

Bennett’s Store in coastal Maine could say “No Parking” or it could say…

larry bird

Wood ‘n Hart Farm at the Halifax Seaport Farmer’s Market in Nova Scotia could say “Lamb for Sale” or it could say…

Halifax sign

The Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority in NYC could say “Don’t Drink and Drive” or it could say…


An airport in Fort Lauderdale could say “Pardon Our Construction” or it could say…

airport sign

The Weylin B. Seymour’s glamorous event space in Brooklyn could say “Wheelchair Accessible Bathroom” or it could say…


These signs have stopped countless people in their tracks…and quite possibly prompted them to snap a picture just like I did.  Mission accomplished.

So, the next time you have something important – but boring – to communicate, take a few minutes to answer the question:  how can I make this message interesting?

Need more inspiration?  See what the Inn at Manchester did with their housekeeping tip envelope.  Seriously…if they can make THAT fun, anything’s possible.