Say you’ve just overhauled your guest service program. Or completed a design renovation. Or created a new HR program in response to staff issues. Or launched a new brand. Or website.
And then you sit down to write the email, press release, or speech to unveil it to your key audiences. Here’s the one vital tip you need to make it effective and powerful:
No one cares how hard you worked.
Think about it. How many times have you heard a brand or company representative say
- We’ve worked tirelessly to…
- Our team has worked long and hard to…
- We’ve been working day and night to…
Does that make their message any more meaningful to you? Nope. In fact, here’s a few hard truths about human nature conspire to subtly undermine the successful reception of your announcement:
What’s In It For Me?: Saying how hard you worked is blah-blah to the audience. Your dedication is irrelevant…what’s the result that impacts them? Wasting air time with blah-blah just risks losing their attention.
Skepticism Trigger: The moment someone draws attention to how hard they worked, we subconsciously doubt it. If you truly worked hard on something, the results would prove it. Proclaiming it just makes the audience wonder why you’re trying to hard to convince them that you did your job.
Soliciting Gratitude is Resented: Revealing how hard you worked – especially when you’re fixing a negative situation – only makes it look like you’re seeking a head pat. And only adorable dogs can credibly get away with begging for head pats. In humans, it usually just inspires exasperated eye-rolling.
Instead…just share your news straight up, including the benefits to them. Like so:
On the new Redpoint website, you can explore our expertise with easy one-click case study sorting relevant to your needs, sign up to get tips and trends from our wildly popular industry newsletter Tickled Red, and listen to music from our office live concert series. Go check it out…we hope you find it fun and useful.
See? Straight up. No plea for head pats.